GAICA 払戻請求フォーム

GAICA Refund Request Form

The language setting of the entry form (Japanese/English) can be switched from the upper right corner of the screen.




The language setting of the entry form (Japanese/English) can be switched from the upper right corner of the screen.

I request a refund of my card balance in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of GAICA.

Please confirm below that the GAICA service will be terminated on May 31, 2024.

・The refund will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis and may take up to a month or two to be transferred in the event of a concentration of refund requests from many customers.
・If you do not plan to use the card from now on and wish to receive a full refund, please select "Cancel: Cancel the card and request a refund of the entire card balance" in "Refund method" in (2) below. If you choose to cancel, no refund fee will be charged.
・If you wish to receive a partial refund of the balance, a refund fee of 550 yen each (tax included) will be deducted from the card balance in addition to the refund amount.
・The transfer account must be a Japanese financial institution account in the member's name. (The refund may be made to an account in the name of a person with parental authority only if the member is a minor.)
・Please note that we may receive sales data from the stores where the card is used after the refund is completed. If this results in an insufficient card balance, please make a separate payment.
・After requesting a refund please do not use your card until the refund is completed, or you may not be able to receive the refund.

<For "GAICA with Flex function" member>
・A GAICA (with Flex function) member should request a refund through the member-only site.
 Member-only site:
If a GAICA (with Flex function) member requests a full refund using this form, the card will be canceled regardless of (2) refund method. Please understand this in advance.
If you wish to receive a partial refund of the balance, a refund fee of 550 yen each (tax included) will be deducted from the card balance in addition to the refund amount.

Fields marked withare required.

(1) 登録されているカード会員の情報を入力してください(不一致の場合、払戻処理はできません)

(1) Please enter the registered card member's information (The refund cannot be processed in case of discrepancy.)

E-mail address

(確認用) (For confirmation)

※ミドルネームをお持ちの方は姓の直後にスペースを空けてご入力ください。 ※If you have middle names, please enter them with a space immediately after your family name.
Date of birth
  • 西暦
Phone number
  • -
  • -

(2) 払戻方法を選択してください

(2)Please select a refund method



Please select either "Partial refund" or "Cancel"

※If a GAICA (with Flex function) member requests a full refund, the card will be canceled regardless of the refund method.
Refund method
Refund amount(Only for a partial refund)
  • Yen
< The following cases will be treated as a full refund>
・If you select "Cancel" as a Refund method
・If there is no entry in the Refund amount field
・If the card balance is less than the total of the refund amount and the refund fee.

(3) 払戻先口座の情報を入力してください

(3) Please enter the information of the account to which the refund will be made

Bank account name in Katakana
Please enter your name as it appears on your bank account.
※The refund account must be a Japanese bank account in the member's name.
(If the member is a minor and (4) Parental authorization fields below have been completed, the refund can only be made to an account in the name of the parent or guardian.)


※Financial institution and account number
If you fill in the following both fields of “Japan Post Bank” and “Financial institution other than Japan Post Bank,” we will transfer the refund to your Japan Post Bank account.


Japan Post Bank

Japan Post Bank
記号Code number1 0   番号Account number1


Financial institution other than Japan Post Bank

Financial institution other than Japan Post Bank
金融機関名  Financial institution name    コード Code  
支店名    Branch name           コード  Code 
預金種目 Type of deposit    
口座番号   Account number  
※口座番号が7桁に満たない場合は、口座番号の前に「0(ゼロ)」を入力し、7桁となるように入力してください。 ※If your account number is less than 7 digits, please enter 0 (zero) before the account number to make it 7 digits.

(4) 親権者承諾欄(会員が未成年者の場合は必ず、親権者ご自身にて入力してください)

(4) Parental authorization (If the member is a minor, the member's parent or guardian must complete the fields themselves.)

Parental authorization
Name of the parent or guardian (in Chinese characters)
※ミドルネームをお持ちの方は姓の直後にスペースを空けてご入力ください ※If you have middle names, please enter them with a space immediately after your family name.
Name of the parent or guardian (in Katakana)
※ミドルネームをお持ちの方は姓の直後にスペースを空けてご入力ください ※If you have middle names, please enter them with a space immediately after your family name.
Name of the parent or guardian (in Alphabet)
※ミドルネームをお持ちの方は姓の直後にスペースを空けてご入力ください ※If you have middle names, please enter them with a space immediately after your family name.
Parent or guardian's date of birth
  • 西暦
Relationship to the member